I’ve been taking a close look at the computer models this morning and it appears there has been a slight shift in the track of the low pressure system later today and tonight, which, without getting to technical, could provide us with a chance of snow Christmas morning!
I don’t think it would be enough to put us into the “White Christmas” category, but there could be enough moisture hanging around as very cold air moves overhead to cause lingering light rain/drizzle to change to flurries or perhaps a brief snow shower. The best timing appears to be after 4am Christmas morning through noon.
With temps in the 50s the last couple of days, don’t expect anything to stick on road surfaces, but a dusting on exposed surfaces is not out of the question. Here’s hoping for a nice looking, but low impact, snow shower as we open presents and celebrate the birth of Christ tomorrow morning!
Before that, I urge you to exercise caution today and this evening as it will be VERY windy with heavy rain possible later today. Christmas Day will be much colder (temps in the 30s) and windy, with cold air hanging tough through the weekend.
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