Snow? What snow?

It seems appropriate to borrow a portion of a line from the late super-voice of the Memphis Grizzlies, Don Poier: “Only in … Memphis.”

I’m referring of course to the recent snowfall (or lack thereof in certain areas of the Mid-South). Reports from across the region, including Jonesboro, Jackson, Nashville, Crossville, north Alabama (!), and even as close as Cordova and Arlington, TN, indicate that light snowfall was widespread early Monday morning, and into the afternoon east of the city. I’m glad that those of you who live outside the city got to see some snow, because the airport officially recorded NADA. The city is always right on the line, whether it be the rain-snow line, the precip-no precip line, whatever.

And at my weather station in Bartlett, we also got nada, nothing, zip, zero zilch! My young daughters need to be able to continue to think of me as super-dad – a blown forecast (in their eyes – they didn’t see any snow) doesn’t help matters. 🙂 I guess I’ll have to go back to fixing their toys and kissing their boo-boos…

So, did you see any snow? Leave me a comment and tell me about it!

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