Memphis International Airport, Memphis, TN
Average temperature: 83.0 degrees (0.9 degrees above average)
Average high temperature: 91.5 degrees (0.0 degrees below average)
Average low temperature: 74.5 degrees (1.9 degrees below average)
Warmest temperature: 96 degrees (24th, 25th, 26th)
Coolest temperature: 68 degrees (4th, 5th)
Heating Degrees Days: 0 (0 above average)
Cooling Degree Days: 566 (38 above average)
Records set or tied: Record high minimum (26th, 79 degrees)
Comments: There were 20 days with high temperatures above 90 degrees, which is average for July.
Monthly total: 2.40″ (0.97″ below average)
Days with measurable precipitation: 5 (2.6 days below average)
Wettest 24-hour period: 1.05″ (13th)
Snowfall: 0.0″
Records set or tied: None
Comments: Two days recorded precipitation of more than an one-half inch, while July averages 2.3 days.
Peak wind: East/38 mph (13th)
Average wind: 7.2 mph
Average relative humidity: 69%
Average sky cover: 50%
here for a daily statistical recap for Memphis International Airport.
Cirrus Weather Solutions /, Bartlett, TN
Average temperature: 80.3 degrees
Average high temperature: 91.4 degrees
Average low temperature: 71.8 degrees
Warmest temperature: 98.4 degrees (11th)
Coolest temperature: 62.1 degrees (5th)
Comments: None
Monthly total: 1.43″ (automated rain gauge), 1.60″(manual CoCoRaHS rain gauge)
Days with measurable precipitation: 6
Wettest date: 0.58″ (19th) (via automated gauge)
Snowfall: 0.0″
Comments: None
Peak wind: North/23 mph (31st)
Average relative humidity: 80%
Average barometric pressure: 29.97in. Hg
Comments: None
Click here for a daily statistical recap for Bartlett, TN.
MWN Forecast Accuracy
MWN average temperature error: 1.53 degrees
MWN forecast temperatures within 2 degrees of actual: 84%
MWN average dewpoint error: 1.45 degrees
MWN forecast dewpoints within 2 degrees of actual: 82%
MWN’s forecasts extend out five periods (2.5 days, or roughly 60 hours). Historical accuracy statistics can be found
Climate Outlook – September 2021
The September climate outlook for the United States from the Climate Prediction Center is shown below. Above average temperatures are forecast for the western states, New England, and the Florida peninsula. Slightly below average temperatures are forecast in the Lower Mississippi and Tennessee River Valleys. Odds favor very near average temperatures for Memphis with a 34% chance of below average temperatures and a 33% chance of above average conditions. The average temperature for September is 76.0 degrees, about six degrees below the August average.
Precipitation is expected to be well above normal for the Mid-Atlantic states into southern New England with wetter than average conditions extending south into the southeast U.S. Additional above average precipitation is forecast for the Desert Southwest. Below average precipitation is forecast for the Pacific Northwest. For Memphis, odds are slightly in favor of above average precipitation (37%) versus a 30% chance of below average precipitation. Rainfall historically averages only 3.03 inches.
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Meteorologist Erik Proseus is an NWA Digital Seal Holder |